About Us

Writing in Progress


Welcome to Writing in progress, a website for writers!

Writing in progress is designed to help you embark on your hero’s journey of being a writer. Often writing is difficult, the first draft is not perfect, plot holes are pierless and the coffee may be running low, but writing in progress is here to help. Weekly virtual writers’ meetings are here to share your drafts and opinions with others.

Be sure to look in the archive for research materials, and check in on our bi-weekly podcast Monday Monologues for ideas on how to use troupes, story elements, and themes.

Happy writing!


Lore-Wednesday 6:00PM (Eastern)

Fiction-Friday 6:00PM (Eastern)

Non-fiction-Saturdays 6:00PM (Eastern)

To minimize Zoom bombing the meetings are RSVP. Send an email to WritingInProgress44@gmail.com to receive a personal zoom invite.

Get in touch

We are always happy and willing to communicate with fellow writers!

Blog at WordPress.com.